General overhaul - Keep cherished things intact

What is needed is not used up at once. The purchase of new machines is not always necessary and certainly not always economical. Milk separators, butter packaging and other machines in the dairy industry or food production are designed for long, reliable operation. This sometimes applies even more to older machines than to new ones.

Used machines are often better than new ones

It really is like this: Hamburg Machinery have often had the experience that the older, used machines in milk processing and simliar areas of beverage production are better than the new models. So you can save twice here, because you invest in the general overhaul of machines that last longer than new ones, anyway.

Turn old into new - restauration and repair

With this knowledge, in addition to trading in used machines for the dairy industry and milk processing, we also offer you the general overhaul of your production equipment. Here you can benefit from our experience and our excellent network: We find out what your homogenizers, butter making machines or butter packaging machines need and find the right expert for repairs. With our help, your used machines will be overhauled or repaired and then will work again for you!

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