Alfa Laval CPMI-2 Constant-Pressure Modulating Valve


Hamburg, Germany


ManufacturerAlfa Laval
ModelCPMI-2 Constant-Pressure Modulating Valve
Stock Number1097
Type of MachineConstant-Pressure Modulating Valve
FlowKv 23 = ± 23 m3/h
Maximum product pressure10 bar
Minimum product pressure0 bar
Air pressure0 to 8 bar


This Alfa Laval CPM Constant-Pressure Modulating Valve (CPMI-2) is a pneumatic regulating valve that maintains a constant pressure in hygienic process lines at the valve inlet or outlet. This model is a Kv23 with booster. Capacity: ± 23 m3/h. Safe, reliable and easy to clean, these regulating valves provide accurate pressure control, quickly adjusting position to maintain the pressure at pre-set values without any need for electronic control. This pneumatic regulating valve maintains uniform inlet or outlet pressure in hygienic process lines for the dairy, food, beverage, personal care and many other industries. Typical applications include filling and bottling equipment. The CPMI-2 consist of a valve body with valve seat, cover, valve plug with a special diaphragm and clamp. The diaphragm consists of two flexible PTFE and EPDM diaphragms supported by 12 stainless steel sectors between them. The cover and the valve body are clamped together. The valve body and the seat are welded together. The Alfa Laval CPM Constant-Pressure Modulating Valve is controlled from a remote location by means of compressed air. A diaphragm or valve plug system reacts immediately to any alteration of product pressure and adjusts its position accordingly to maintain a constant inlet and outlet pressure at pre-set values.