Cream pasteurizer - plate heatexchanger Tetra Pak C6-SR


Hamburg, Germany



ManufacturerAlfa Laval
ModelTetra Pak C6-SR
Serial Number30109-18162
Stock Number924
Type of MachinePasteurizer
Capacity2.450 kg per hour
Volume107 Liter
Max. working pressure10 bar
Premissible Temperature120 °C
Temperature cycle57.0 -> 81.2 -> 86.0 -> 61.9 -> 17.6 -> 6.0 °C


Plate heat exchanger, previously used for a cream pasteuriser. PHE skid mounted. Volume: 107 liter. Number of sections: 4x. Number of plates:155 in total (± 23-40-41-51). Maximum allowable pressure: 10,0 bar. Maximum allowable temperature: 120 °C. Header: Beam length: 1.500 mm. Connections 2 Up. Follower: Connections 2 Down. Product: Tops. Flow rate: 2,450 kg/h. Temperature cycle [°C]: 57.0 -> 81.2 -> 86.0 -> 61.9 -> 17.6 -> 6.0. Section 1: Pasteurization: Cream / Hot Water. Section 2: Recovery: Cream/Cream. Section 3: Cooling: Tops / city water or water from a cooling tower. Section 4 Cooling: Cream / ice water. Flow rate CIP: 4,000 kg/h.

Additional Features

Mounted in a stainless steel frame, no piping/valves or anything, only the frame.